
Metal Structures
Designing, supplying and erecting metal structures.

Meet some works with this service

Pre-Cleaning Tower building - Factory 1

Reinforcement structures for grain silo

Building for the Geho Pump

Raft and HDPE pipings

Installing 2 tanks for industrial water

SSP 70 T/D building

Erecting Building for Lines 6 and 7 - Polymer.

Expansion of Granulation Building - Factory 1

Bottle Polymer Building: Habipax

Expansion of Spinning Mill: Habipax

Expansion of the Polymer Factory for Bottles

Miscellaneous repairs and maintenance

Bulkhead to sieve

Extraction Cyclone

Access platforms to equipment in the zinc washing process

waste collection container for IBW's (Industrials Banal Waste)

Stainless platforms for rafts

Support for engine and shaker

Suction pipes and compressor air extraction

Roller support for belt conveyor

Building Coverage

8'',12'' and 16'' little cars

metal frame for storage of paints

Redler Manufacture of seed loading station bulk ship .

Mounting of a Grain Clean Machine

Mounting extraction towers and cooling pipe

Prefabrication and assembly of double coil in brightener

Laminator mounting

Manufacture and assembly of grain husking system.

Manufacturing and mounting of porch for the load suspension Winch

Manufacturing and mounting the Saving and Transport systems of polymers and flakes for the "filme" lines

Manufacturing and installation of the water support line for the exploration fronts at the Mine

Manufacturing and Mounting the system os pre-treatment and cleaning of the cereal on the preparation entrance

Vertical Cooker Installation

Reconversão do sistema das bombas de vácuo

Fabricação de baileus com comandos para adaptação em Multifunções Telescópicos

Reparações no cozedor vertical - verificação de sistemas de vapor e porta de visitas

Construção do edifício para futura instalação do cozedor vertical

Pré-fabrico e Instalação do Sistema de Tubagens de vapor do Cozedor Vertical.

Pré-fabrico e Montagem do Cozedor Vertical

Montagem dos tanques de hexano subterrâneos, respetiva tubagem e ancoramento dos mesmos